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Importing subscribers

To import subscribers, you have to go to Dashboard > Lists > Lists > select the list you wish > Tools > Import .There are mainly 3 ways by which you can upload subscribers to Mailfed –

  1. CSV (MS Excel method)

This is the most common way of uploading subscribers on any system. CSV can be expanded as comma separate values. As the name specifies, values in a CSV file is separated by commas. To generate a CSV file from a regular excel file on MS Excel, you  just need to “Save as” the file in CSV format as shown in the picture. Then import that file on Mailfed. On the upload screen, Mailfed will show you an example csv file for your understanding.csv

2. Text

This is just another simple method. You would put all emails line by line on a text file and then upload it.

3. Database

This method is helpful when you’re migrating from an in-house MySQL backed application to Mailfed. You can specify the hostname, port, email table etc and click on “Connect and import”. System will do rest of the things for you !

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